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Reder E*, Lesh C*, Ochoa G*, Wu S*, Ferree E (2023) Population fluctuations in Costa Rican golden silk orbweavers (Trichonephila clavipes). in press


Ferree E, Sadhu R*, Holland K*, Wu O* (2021) Vocal coordination of provisioning in Black Phoebes (Sayornis nigricans). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 133: 318-325.


Ferree ED (2019) An experimental test of the effect of male attractiveness on maternal investment in Dark-eyed Juncos. The Auk: Ornithological Advances. The Auk. 136: 1-12.

Ferree ED, Johnson S*, Barraza D*, Crabo E*, Florio J*, Godtfredsen H*, Holland K*, Jitmana K*, Mark K* (2018) Size-dependent variability in the formation and trade-offs of facultative aggregations in golden orb-web spiders (Nephila clavipes). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 157-170.


Chung D, Ferree E, Simon D, Yeh P (2018) Patterns of bird-bacteria associations. Ecohealth. 15: 627-641.


​​Baker J* and Ferree ED (2016) Foraging ontogeny in a suburban population of black phoebes (Sayornis nigricans). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128: 368-377.


Dickinson JL, Akcay C, Ferree E, Stern C (2016) A hierarchical process of incest avoidance in a cooperative breeder. Behavioral Ecology. 27: 1132–1140.


Dickinson JL, Ferree ED, Stern CA, Swift R, Zuckerberg B (2014) Delayed dispersal: teasing apart the importance of resources and parents. Behavioral Ecology. 25: 843-851.


Ferree ED, Dickinson JL (2014) Male western bluebirds that sire extra-pair young are also successful within-pair mates. Animal Behaviour. 90: 11-19.


Ferree ED (2013) Geographic variation in dark-eyed junco morphology and implications for population divergence. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 125: 454-470.


Ferree ED, Dickinson, JL (2011) Natural extra-pair paternity matches receptivity patterns in unguarded females: Evidence for importance of female choice. Animal Behaviour. 82: 1167-1173.


Ferree ED, Dickinson, JL, Rendell, W, Stern, C, and Porter, S (2009) Hatching order explains an extra pair chick advantage in western bluebirds. Behavioral Ecology. 21: 802-807        


Ferree ED, Dickinson JL, Kleiber D, Stern CA, Haydock J, Stanback MT, Schmidt V, Eisenberg L, and Stolzenburg C (2008) Development and cross-species testing of western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) microsatellite primers. Molecular Ecology Resources. 8: 1348–1350.


Ferree ED (2007) Tail plumage and brood sex ratio in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis thurberi). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62:109-117.


Ferree ED, Wikelski M and Anderson DJ (2004) Hormonal correlates of siblicide in Nazca boobies: support for the challenge hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior. 46: 655-662.


Anderson DJ, Porter ET, and Ferree ED (2004) Non-breeding Nazca boobies (Sula granti) show social and sexual interest in chicks: demographic and ecological aspects. Behaviour. 141: 959-977.


​* Undergraduate authors


Book chapters and Non-peer reviewed articles


Dickinson JL, Akçay C, Ferree E and Stern A (2016) Western bluebirds: lessons from a marginal cooperative breeder. in Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates: Studies in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior. eds. Koenig, W and Dickison, J. Cambridge.


Stern CA, Dickinson JL, and Ferree ED (2010) The importance of family for western bluebirds. BirdScope, Winter 2010.

Ferree ED and Kates S (2009) Reducing the [Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s] footprint. BirdScope, Autumn 2009.

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